Townhouse for record producer
Residential Berghaidengasse

Project: Construction of a townhouse for a record producer
Location: Vienna
Status: completed
Year: 2015
Size: 491 m2
The residential building in the Bergheidengasse can be rightly called an example of Viennese coffee house architecture.
Although it does not include a coffee house, the design planning was done almost exclusively in the Café Dommayer.
The town house was created on a tricky pentagonal building site, at a "Kundenstammtisch" (table reserved for regular guests) in a back room during countless work meetings with countless mélange* and a few wonderful desserts.
*A Wiener Melange is a specialty coffee drink similar to a cappuccino
"Dear Mr. Kops, I have been sketching and going through every possible adaptation idea for three weeks in a row togehter with my wife. We came to the conclusion that any possible alteration will make the building only worse. Therefore we should build the design without any further changes ."



Photographs: Miroslava Andric

I will never forget the feedback that I received from the client sometime after the presentation of the final design: "Dear Mr. Kops, I have been sketching and going through every possible adaptation idea for three weeks in a row together with my wife. We came to the conclusion, that any possible alteration will make the building only worse. Therefore, we should build the design without any further changes."
In the end it wasn't just the plot of land that had five corners.
Construction site

